Why chiropractics for animals?

What is Chiropractics?

Veterinary chiropractic uses manual manipulation to move an animal's spine and limbs throughout its normal range of motion to help alleviate mobility issues, muscle stiffness, tension, pain to palpation, and in some circumstances organ dysfunction. 

The major command center of the body's nervous system is in the brain and spinal cord. Veterinary chiropractic helps to maintain the health of this important system by addressing any disruption in normal movement of the spinal vertebrae, as well as their associated muscles and ligaments. The goal of the chiropractic adjustment is to correct any skeletal restrictions to restore proper range of motion in the vertebrae and body.


How do I know if my pet needs a chiropractic adjustment?

Almost all animals would benefit from chiropractors, whether it is to maintain the proper range or motion in their skeleton or to address a more pronounced issue. Here are some clear signs your pet may need an adjustment:

  • There is a gait change (subtle limp, paddling front legs, sitting differently, etc.)

  • Twitching or avoidance behavior when petting their back

  • Increased heat in specific areas of the body

  • Pets recovering from an injury

  • Senior pet who is developing arthritis

What to expect during your chiropractic appointment.

The Initial Evaluation


The initial appointment can take between 45-60 minutes, depending on the complexity of the case. During this appointment, a full detail of the pet’s history, lifestyle, current and past ailments, and the goal for the therapy treatments will need to be provided by the owner. 

A detailed examination of the pet is then performed, including observing their behavior, watching them move around their environment, a myofacial examination, and a neurologic examination (if warranted). This portion of the exam helps to determine any gait abnormalities or sensitive areas when palpating. 

During the “adjustment” portion of the evaluation, Dr. Wodzinski will move the spine, pelvis, and limbs through their normal range of motion, correcting any restrictions along the way. Following the adjustment, you may notice your pet is sore or slow moving, this can be normal as we are asking the body to move in a way that was not moving before.

The Follow-Up Appointment

Most chiropractic abnormalities cannot be resolved in one treatment, especially when the condition being treated has been going on for a prolonged period of time. This is because the associated muscles and ligaments have to “relearn” to be in their correct position and will continue to pull the vertebrae out of alignment until then. At least three adjustments are recommended initially to correct a chiropractic issue.

Follow-up appointments will take about 20-30 minutes and include a brief update on the pets status and mobility as well as a brief evaluation to note any change prior to the adjustment.

Common Questions


Are there any side effects to a chiropractic adjustment?

Some animals may experience temporary soreness following the first adjustment, however, this typically decreases with each subsequent adjustment. Most animals though are more active and playful following adjustments.

Veterinary chiropractic is considered safe when performed by a licensed and trained professional.

Is the chiropractic adjustment painful?

No, the adjustment is not painful. The vertebrae and joints are only put through their normal range of motion and not pushed to a range beyond that threshold. This ensures the safety and comfort of the pet during and after the adjustment.

Which pets benefit from chiropractic adjustments?

Chiropractic care can be particularly beneficial in several clinical conditions including:

  • Pain of the neck and back

  • Sports injuries

  • Muscle spasms or recurring areas of sensitivity

  • Nerve problems

  • Senior pet stiffness, including arthritis and hip dysplasia

Make your pets first chiropractic appointment today!